Available in three versions (manual, dosed and dosed with steam) and now also in three colors, Capsy will be able to satisfy all the needs coming from the home and office market.
The adjustable grill allows the use of different sized cups , without forgetting the heated top that will allow you to enjoy an excellent coffee in a pleasantly warm cup. The modern and compact design, in line with current market trends, wins you over at first glance, while the semi-automatic ejection of the exhausted capsule simplifies its use .
- Machine dimensions (H x W x D): 320x260x240 mm
- Machine weight: 5 kg
- Functions: coffee, steam
- Maximum absorption: 850W
- Voltage: 220-240V / 50-60Hz
- Tank capacity: 2lt
- Lack of water control: visual
"Capsy" machine
VAT Included
- Materiale: plastica ABS;
- Capacità sebatoio: 2000cc;
- Alimentazione elettrica: 220-240V, 50-60Hz;
- Potenza nominale: 850W;
- Regolazione manuale quantità di caffè;
- Sistema di riscaldamento rapido;
- Spegnimento automatico;
- Piccola ed efficiente.